M.V. Golyan  (Kyiv, Ukraine)  |    Download article

Formulation of the problem. In recent years, cheerleading has been developing rapidly in Ukraine. The number of students and school youth involved in this sport is growing. A change in trends regarding the content of athletes’ competitive activities is observed on the international arena. New types of competitive program appear. Cheerleading demonstrates certain features of the social sports movement. This requires additional substantiation of the cheerleading position in the system of physical education of the younger generation in Ukraine, establishment of development tendencies and prospects forecasting for the sphere of physical culture and sports. Today cheerleading is the subject which is researched by many authors, in particular Lutsenko L.S. and Zinchenko I.O. They studied the effectiveness of the training process of cheerleaders. Y.M. Ivanchenko investigated the planning and organization of the long-term training process. A.A. Bolyak and YY Krykun studied the features of the competitive activity, etc. At the same time, in the literature available for us, we did not find works regarding the modern aspects of cheerleading.