Nilufar Sharipova (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) |    Завантажити статтю

It’s known that language is considered as the means of the mirror of the society development. Language as a social event develops and enriches with the peoples life. Proverbs and sayings are also considered as one of the main phraseological units which show themselves people’s culture and traditions; therefore they have become heritage generation by generation for many centuries. There isn’t any nationality without its proverbs, sayings, tales or riddles in the world. In this case any of the genres in folks can be considered as an international genre. In proverbs and sayings ancient public genres, people’s outlook, their attitude to society and behavioral norms are expressed. One of the prominent Russian writer, L.N. Tolstoy in his scientific article mentions ‘I see the symbol of peoples in every of its proverb and saying.’ As proverbs and sayings being considered as international genres have their similarities and differences in meanings and forms.